Here are 7 of the best business books of 2018.

What were your favorite books this year? For me this year has been quite the reading ride with a lot of ups and downs in my personal life and some small yet powerful wins in my business. I read 32 books this year, 7 of which I found impactful both in my business and personal life. The books I mention below are what I consider to be the best business books of 2018 for any person living on this on this Earth. I was able to get through some tough times and also improve my business along the way. I hope this list of books can help you out too. All the books below aren’t in any particular order and weren’t all published this year.

Let’s get started!

best business books of 2018

The Heart of the Deal by Anthony Lolli

This was a surprise read for me this year. It was not on my list of books for 2018 yet it turns out to be one of my favorite ones because of how much heart was put into it. It’s not just about real estate, it’s about changing people’s lives and setting goals so you can come out on top.

Read my full review here.


best business books of 2018

Cadence: A Tale of Fast Business Growth by Pete Williams

Cadence was also another one of the surprise best business books of 2018. I had no idea that I was going to read this book just like The Heart of the Deal above. I actually hadn’t even heard of this book before the publisher contacted me to see if I wanted to review it for them. Anyway, the style of the book is quite awesome. It’s easy to read because it’s in a fictional style based on true events. This style makes it also easy to pick out the useful takeaways for your business.

Read my full review here.


best business books of 2018 storybrand

Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller

This book is by far one of the best business books I read this year. It talks about how you can connect with your client through a story. More specifically bringing your client through a story. The emphasis in this book is that most companies and brands make themselves the hero of the story which is wrong. StoryBrand teaches us to make the customer the hero.

Read my full review here.


best business books of 2018

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

This is one of the most amazing books which draws on stoicism and spirituality. Although it’s not directly related to business I believe it’s a book any entrepreneur must read. In my opinion, no matter what kind of work you do, you must learn how to have a balanced life between work and home. This book applies to both work and home. It is a book about life. You will not regret reading it.

Read my full review here.


best business books of 2018 the power of habit

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

I was blown away by The Power of Habit! It’s also not exactly a business book but the teachings are essential for any business owner. Habits are something every human does, some of which are terrible habits. This book will teach you how to break those bad habits, change them and create new ones. So in my opinion, everyone on this planet should read this book. This is one of the best business books of 2018.

Read my full review here.


best business books of 2018 mans search for meaning

Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

Another life-changing book and one that is also not directly related to business yet will help you tons to live the best life you can live. The best takeaway I got from this is that you cannot control how other people act. The only thing you can control is your own actions and thoughts. Viktor went through the most devastating periods in history, WWII and the Holocaust. He survived it and lived to tell the tale and teach about his psychological research he was able to finish after he escaped with his life. His desire to complete his research to help humanity was one of the main things that gave him the will to live. Amazing story and a must read.

Watch my thoughts on the book here.


best business books of 2018 the storytellers secret

The Storyteller’s Secret by Carmine Gallo

Carmine Gallo is probably best known for his book called Talk Like TED  but he has many books under his belt. The Storyteller’s Secret has been by far my favorite of his books so far as the main theme is about using stories to help communicate your ideas in the most understandable way possible. I cannot tell you how helpful this book was when I was preparing for a speech earlier this year. It’s a book I will always come back to before I have any speech. It’s short, precise and memorable.

Read my full review here.


Bonus Best Business Books of 2018

best business books of 2018 don't sleep on it

Don’t Sleep On It by Kavit Haria

For me, this book was helpful because I’m planning on launching my own self-development course for BookMattic. As a bonus book and not part of the main list, I recommend this book to anyone who is planning or already has launched their own online course otherwise it might not be as impactful or useful for your time to read it.

Read my full review here.


That’s a wrap for the best business books of 2018

Next year I plan on reading 34 books. I’m excited to see what sort of books will be on the best business books of 2019’s list.


How many books do you plan on reading in 2019? What were your favorite books of 2018?


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