You’re here, and I humbly welcome you to my new domain on this spiffy new blog. Same name, new site. This is where your mindset will grow from wherever you are in your life right now.


I’m sure there’s a reason you came here, maybe you found this link through one of my Facebook pages or on Instagram, or maybe you found me through a search engine. Maybe you know me personally, or maybe you don’t.


Regardless of whether you know me or not, I would like to personally reach out to you so that you can get to know me through my personalized posts I will be posting here on BookMattic. If you already know me, this is your chance to get to know me even better. There’s a high chance you’ll grow your mindset just like I have. Anything is possible.


Throughout our time together on this blog, I would also like to get to know you through the comments and emails you will send me.


You’ve come to the right blog if (but not limited to this mindset)…

  • you are around the age of 20-40, give or take, who has come from a poor or middle-class family, yet still has the means and desire to improve one’s mindset.
  • you believe that no matter what your background is, you are capable of accomplishing anything you set your mind to.
  • you have the desire to help other people grow with you.
  • you want to or have already started your own blog and/or business.
  • you are genuine and open to listening to other people’s ideas without being judgemental in a negative way.
  • you are able to see the possibilities in your own and other people’s ideas and able to find a way to bring those ideas to life.
  • you love to read and share your reading experience with others.
  • you believe in a world that can understand and accept each other’s differences and eventually live in peace with each other. You will do what you can to ensure you personally take part in spreading peace through knowledge, understanding, and action.


My Old Mindset VS My New Mindset

One of the purposes of this blog is to let you know that I am here for you in whatever ways you need. I’ve been through a lot and was not raised with a growth mindset (Carol Dweck study) that I could succeed at whatever I wanted to. I grew up thinking I wasn’t smart enough. I always thought I was going to be an employee until I got out of my old mindset and started believing in my own abilities. I’m not the fastest nor the smartest person, but I do have the drive to push myself forward until I get what I want.


Of course, I want you to feel the same way too. I don’t know where you came from, but I do know you want to succeed at everything you do, otherwise why else would you be looking at one of the posts on BookMattic?


How the Posts Will Help You Achieve Your Desired Mindset

The posts here are specifically catered to help you succeed. I’ll be writing life, entrepreneur, and blogging tips and also be recommending books with specific ratings to help you choose which ones are best for yourself.


All of the material I prepare is meant to help you achieve growth mindset. There are some topics that I will be writing about, and those are anything about business books, anything self-improvement from health to productivity, anything about content or marketing yourself on the internet and out in the world. Basically, all the content you’ll find on BookMattic will improve your life in this world.


Through my specialized blog posts, I will guide you in the right direction to success through my personal experiences and research.


How You Can Contact Me

Matt Hutson posing for a formal picture

This will be more of an interactive blog where people converse and learn from each other. Do feel free to give me your feedback about the topics covered on BookMattic at any time.


I’m easily reachable by the contact form at the bottom of the page or through the post comments. If you feel like I’m lacking on a certain topic or you want to hear more of a certain topic then feel free and contact me. I am available.


I do get a personal enjoyment out of writing these posts, but the main reason I write them is for you. I personally want you to become a better and more well-informed individual. I want you to pass on the knowledge you gain not only from this site but from others like it. Pass your knowledge on to your friends and family.


Knowledge is free most of the time and I’d like to keep it like that on BookMattic.


What You Can Do to Make a Difference

Changes in the world all start with small groups of people or individuals who share their word with other people who then share again and again and again. I want you to be that individual who shares important life-changing ideas with anyone you know. By doing this, together, we can improve many people’s lives.


That is why I ask you all, visitors to BookMattic, to be honest with me that if I’m not making a big enough impact in your life, if I’m not building your mindset through these posts or events, then comment or send me a message and tell me how I can make an even bigger impact.


You, personally, can take part of the change. You, personally, can help to make this world a better place through the knowledge you gain and use.


Now I’d like you to take the time to share this little piece of important knowledge with your friends and family by clicking ‘share’ on your favorite social media platform.


Also, don’t miss a post! Enter your email below to stay updated.


Always remember to share what you’ve learned with the people you care most about.