Book Review
Before I Won by Tomas Veres is a heartfelt book based on a true story about a troubled young adult who finds his way in life through trial and error....More...
Turn your passion and expertise into a profitable online course. Have you ever wanted to run your own online business? Have you thought that maybe an online course would be...More...
If you’re in sales of any kind, especially B2B, you should read Seven Stories Every Salesperson Must Tell. Mike Adams sent Seven Stories Every Salesperson Must Tell for me to...More...
Fast business growth is hard to attain for anyone in the business world. With the tools presented in Cadence: A Tale of Fast Business Growth you surely can grow your business...More...
The Heart of the Deal makes you want to get off your ass and work hard! This book was pretty freaking amazing. I did not expect a real estate book...More...
Rethink Creativity really does help you learn how to innovate. I got Rethink Creativity through a fellow Bookstagrammer, booksonthegoidn (someone who posts photos of books on Instagram) who got it directly from...More...
Building a StoryBrand helps you to clarify your message so your customers will listen. I held off on buying Building a StoryBrand when it came out. However, the concept of...More...
Who is leading the New Space Race, SpaceX, Blue Origin, or Virgin Galactic? The Space Barons by Christian Davenport is about the new race to space lead not by the...More...
The Power of Now means to live in the now. It’s a must-read book for everyone. Calling all of the human race. The Power of Now is an eye-opening and meticulous...More...