

Cadence: A Tale of Fast Business Growth

4 November 2018


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fast business growth cover

Fast business growth is hard to attain for anyone in the business world.

With the tools presented in Cadence: A Tale of Fast Business Growth you surely can grow your business faster than you ever have before. And if you’re new to the business world and you end up reading this book you’ll be ahead of the game with what the book calls The 7 Levers. With the combination of The 7 Levers, 10% Wins, and The 7 Levers Process you’ll have an advantage over any other business that doesn’t use this wonderful formula.


Wait ’till you see the results after you implement these tools for fast business growth.

I finished reading this book a week ago and have already started implementing two of The 7 Levers called Suspects and Prospects. I’ll have to wait a few months to see any sort of results but I’m excited to be trying something a little new. To be honest, my business has reached a plateau and by reading this book it has given me a revival of motivation to make a better and more efficient business strategy for growth.


Here are The 7 Levers I mentioned above.

  1. Suspects-People who visit your website or come into your store.
  2. Prospects-Customers who show genuine interest in your product by signing up for an email subscription or ‘testing’ things in the store.
  3. Conversions-People who actually buy.
  4. Average Item Price-Out of all your items what is the average price?
  5. Items per sale-How many items do customers buy in one transaction?
  6. Transactions per customer-How many times will the customer come back for repeated transactions?
  7. Margins-What can you cut down on and how can you increase your profit?


How to double your profits with The 7 Levers Strategy

The book claims that if you implement 10% Wins in each of the seven areas of The 7 Levers then your profit will double. The 10% Wins don’t have to be all at once or all in the same area. As long as you spread your wins out and your profits reach approximately 10% better or more per month then you’ll double your profits by the next year.


You might ask how to do this. The book has an answer for that too.


The 7 Levers Process for Fast Business Growth

Just using the 7 Levers alone won’t do you any good. You need a strategy to implement your 10% Wins. So the author came up with the 7 Levers Process where you can continue cycling through each of the 7 Levers.

  1. Clarify-What are your Levers?
  2. Capture-What are you already doing in your Levers?
  3. Calculate-Measure your progress in all areas.
  4. Correct-Fix any errors or money leaks.
  5. Create-Create a new strategy for each Lever potentially increase productivity by about 10%.
  6. Cycle-Go back through each process.


The Best Thing About Cadence: A Tale of Fast Business Growth

I thoroughly enjoyed this book because it is applicable but also because it’s written as a story. As I’ve learned from books by Carmine Gallo such as The Storyteller’s Secret storytelling in business and any communication is extremely important. It always has been. So because this book is written like a story it makes it very easy to remember and apply.


I give this book 5/5 stars!


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