

7 Steps to Have Young Joints Today – Book Review

26 July 2020


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Have you been experiencing joint pain? Younger Joints Today by Angela Cortal is a concise look into how you can improve the condition of your osteoarthritis. She gives you personal experiences as well as useful yet short case studies from her patients using her 7-step process to having healthy joints.

The 7 Steps From Younger Joints Today

  1. Know Your Diagnosis
  2. Eat to Heal Your Joints
  3. Move and Strengthen Your Joints for Recovery
  4. Address Lifestyle Factors
  5. Get Your Hormones in Check
  6. Supplements Can Help Joints Heal
  7. Regenerative Injection Therapies can be considered after all the other steps are aligned

The book does not get too technical either, so the language is very easy to understand and each chapter focuses clearly on the specific step with no mumbo-jumbo or fluff.

At the end of each chapter there is a very clear bullet-pointed summary to help you remember what was written and discussed during the chapter. That makes it very easy to come back to at a later date if you want to refresh your memory. At the very end of the book there are several useful recipes for helping you to eat what is right for your joints.

If you are experiencing osteoarthritis pain from either injury or old age, and all your doctor has been doing is giving you pain medications to numb the pain, there is another way. That’s what this book gives you, a framework to live a healthy and happy life. The Lifestyle Factors chapter even dives into a bit of mindset, because without the right mindset you won’t be able to live healthily and happily.

Because I have experienced joint pain as well, although not because of osteoarthritis, I see value in practicing these steps as the Healthcare System only masks the pain. Taking your health into your own hands can help you solve your pain.


‘Don’t ditch your doctor. That’s not what I’m saying. Please keep checking in, getting your recommended labs and annual physical exams. However, if your chronic joint pain is not being addressed by the Standard of Care I’ve mentioned in the introduction (Ibuprofen and physical therapy), then it may be time to look beyond the traditional model to a more comprehensive approach to identify deficiencies or imbalances so we can get you on your path to healing joint pain.

I’m not holding my breath that the steps in this book will soon get established as the standard of care for addressing osteoarthritis, though I very much wish that were the case. I’ve written this book because this information needs to get out now; not wait until the entire medical establishment gets on board.

Much of the research presented here is fairly new. Most of this has been published in the last few years. However, we know it takes an average of 17 years for a medical treatment to work its way from research to clinical practice.

The problem is, I didn’t have time for that, my patients don’t have time for that and I’m guessing that you don’t either.

That’s why this 7 Step Plan to Younger Joints Today exists. I want you to know of this framework and understand the best evidenceinformed interventions available to us today.’


I recommend this book to anyone who is experiencing joint pain, no matter what its osteoarthritis or some other factor. Most of the seven steps can be beneficial for all people.

Buy your copy here

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