Bookstagram is the best place to be part of a community where everyone knows good business and nonfiction books.
The Bookstagram hashtag on Instagram has been one of the best online communities I have ever been a part of. There are thousands of people sharing photos, quotes, and videos about any sort of book-related material from all genres. A select few of us do it for a living but most are there to just share their love of books.
There are even smaller communities within the bookstagram hashtag community as a whole. The list of amazing bookstagrammers I’m going to share with you today is growing rapidly (as it should be). This group of people, including myself, share about nonfiction, self-development, and business books with the sole purpose of inspiring others to keep developing themselves. This sub-community within all of Bookstagram is what I call Business Bookstagram.
I’ve compiled a list of the best business and nonfiction bookstagram accounts here on The two reasons why I want to share this list with you are:
(1) So I could honor all the hard work these individuals and groups have put into spreading the power of reading self-development books.
(2) So you can discover and learn from some of these amazing people.
I have got to know these people well over the past year and a half that I’ve been involved in bookstagram. They are very friendly and are on a mission to help you get more out of the books you read. We want you to join us on the journey of lifelong learning.
Here we go!
28 Bookstagram Accounts for Business and Nonfiction Book Lovers
Down below is the list of the accounts I personally love following and interacting with on a daily basis. It’s not in any particular order except for the first one which is mine.
BookMattic – This is my account. My mission is to help you grow to love lifelong learning. What better way to do that then to read great nonfiction books? I showcase most of the books I read with a beautiful mix of indoor and outdoor photos.
Get Better With Books – Here is a man who shares his heart and mind with each post and builds a community around all his content. He shares a variety of single book shots, stacks, and quotes.
Roseanna Sunley Books – Roseanna says she doesn’t like reading all that much I can see that it’s growing on her as her account grows. She’s got an amazing collection of books and a killer accent! She’s also an author of 4 books (not all of them are business books). Her books reviews both on her website and YouTube channel are very engaging and entertaining.
Alex and Books – Alex and I have been following each other ever since I started my account over a year and a half ago. The thing I love about Alex is his genuine desire to help people choose good books. I know he puts a lot of work into each post he does on Instagram and his blog. I have a connection with him unlike any other Bookstagrammer as I feel we have similar backgrounds.
Book and Briefcase – I love Book and Briefcase’s account because she’s always consistent with her book layout and her rating system. Her reviews are detailed and concise. You’ll benefit from following her to see what she reads and what she thinks of each book.
BookThinkers – He’s very similar to my account in the sense he reads a wide variety of books whether it be about spirituality or growing your business. I love his consistency and the tribe he’s building. His website is also a great resource for growing your habit of reading.
The CEO Library – Very professional and informative. Loves to suggest many great books and has a team of dedicated people to do it.
One Minute Book Review – He’s got great short and precise one-minute book reviews. His British accent is killer!
Poor Bjorn’s Notes to Self – I love conversing with this Swedish master of learning. He loves books and caries out interesting experiments, one of which we took part in together.
The Billionaire Habit – She’s new to the game yet has created so much value around the content she produces. You can rely on her for consistency and quality. Her mission is to inspire others to adopt the habit of reading daily.
Dom’s Bookmark – My fellow Indonesian nonfiction book lover! He writes his content all in Indonesian with amazing graphics!
Lundh Literature – He’s not exactly a nonfiction book reader but I had to put him on this list because of the value he puts into each post. He’s also very friendly.
Disciplineology – I love all the quotes, takeaways and graphics this profile has. Also, the name is great, isn’t it? There is value packed into each post.
Lore of Books – Hawaii! Yes, she’s from Hawaii! So in each post, she shares about a great book with lovely scenery.
Words With Jennifer – Honesty is the best motto. Jennifer is a kindhearted person with a strong love of books. I really like what she shares on her profile as I see some books I haven’t heard of yet.
Nonfiction Book Club – Another fellow Indonesian here with a lot of great nonfiction book recommendations. The thing I love most about her profile is her ambition to help Indonesians become more aware of issues around the world and in her country. Her profile is not just about books, but about improving humanity. If you follow any bookstagram account hers is the one to follow.
i Read, You Ask – Nick is a busy guy just like the rest of us, but he takes the time out of his schedule to post valuable book reviews about self-development and business. Although he doesn’t post that often when he does his descriptions are great.
Plate of Knowledge – He’s got a unique style of presenting his books and quotes on plates. Very nice guy to chat with too!
Lech Kaniuk – He’s an author in Poland and a lover of lifelong learning. His book suggestions are wonderful and he’s a friendly guy to talk with.
800-CEO-READ – Is an actual company that brings you all sorts of top lists of books. Any book they have on their list is a book you know you’ll enjoy.
Brain P0wer – Brain Power’s growth is unstoppable. Although his profile isn’t completely dedicated to books he is dedicated to lifelong learning. I know he has much in store for his future and the betterment of this world.
Tony Moze – Tony Moze has gone through a transformation from only doing rap reviews of the books he’s been reading to talking about his journey from living the low life when he was young to transforming into a better person. I loved seeing his transformation after attending a conference with Evan Carmichael. Tony Moze is still a great bookstagram account to follow even though he doesn’t post much about books anymore.
Chriserzfeld – New brother to the game. He is very analytical and committed to bringing out the best of his bookstagram account. He writes blog articles that are the length of books! He’s a great reader friend of mine.
Books and Beers – Books and beers is a perfect combination. You want to know a good book, come here. You want to know a good beer, come here too. His pictures are gorgeous!
Whiz Zoe – She’s got an interesting mix of DJing, marketing, public speaking, and books. You’ll be sure not to get bored looking and her content.
ia8ra – Mostly posts in Arabic but has some lovely shots of books in many different places. Got some good book suggestions as well of course!
rganaya – He’s an amazing guy with his head on straight and trying to make a difference in the world by sharing great books and insights from them. He’s easy to talk with and gives great opinions about books and life in general.
Book Notes – Book Notes has been one of my fellow nonfiction bookstagram friends for a while now. Hence the name Book Notes he posts a variety of quotes and book pages with highlights and questions in the caption. You’ll be sure to find something of value here.
Continue to Grow Through Business and Nonfiction Bookstagram
I’m grateful to have the Instagram platform and all the amazing people running their business and nonfiction bookstagram profiles, not just for the fun of it, but to change the world one book and one person at a time.
Don’t forget to follow the accounts above and subscribe to this blog below.
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One comment
Good list. Bookthinkers is amazing. Thank you for this list.
29 June, 2020 at 8:00 pm