THISday by Philip Gabbard Book Review
24 June 2020
Book Category: Nonfiction, Self-Help
The thing I loved about THISday by Philip Gabbard is its honesty. He did not conform to the traditional layout and spoke his mind as if writing in his journal, or writing to a very close friend. Here is my THISday by Philip Gabbard Book Review.
THISbook really does offer enlightenment for the everyday person. It shows you Philip’s perspective on life and how different people can perceive things in different ways. His words have power as all words can. Yes, you may be able to find wisdom in other places, but no one can tell a story in Philip Gabbard’s words, because there is no other Philip Gabbard.
However, you can tell your own THISday, and this book will show you how.
THISday by Philip Gabbard Book Review: Words Have Power
Every word you say and think has power over you and others. The words you use could help you out or hurt you. That’s why Philip talks so much about the power of words. I’d say he does an amazing job of writing his own words to show you how powerful words can truly be.
You Have a Choice
Another amazing thing about THISday is it’s not shoving things down your throat. Philip says what he wants to say in his own way letting you know that you have a choice of your own. You can live in a life of mediocrity or one of extraordinary actions that bring you to your full potential.
You Are the Combination of Everything You Have Seen, Heard, and Read
Philip tells his story because he has had a whole lot of unique experiences that he had to get out to the world. You do too.
He shows that anyone can put their story out there. Everything you have seen, heard, and read is part of you. I highly recommend making this book part of your mind.
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It sounds like an interesting book. I will definitely check it out.
12 July, 2020 at 12:06 am
Great to hear. Joshua is such a great guy to learn from with real experience.
5 August, 2020 at 1:11 pm