

The Content Fuel Framework 100+ Content Creations

21 April 2020


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the cover of the content fuel framework

The Content Fuel Framework has spunk and really teaches you how you can create 100+ pieces of content at once.

Are you a content creator? If so, The Content Fuel Framework offers a highly effective way of creating new content out of new or even old ideas. No matter how long you have been creating content, this book has a framework you can use to your advantage.


What the content of The Content Fuel Framework has to offer

It’s clear and precise which is exactly how I like it. Melanie presents her topic in an easily digestible manner starting from what it means to be a content creator to introducing her useful framework and quickly into the practical examples of how to create content using her framework.


The two main aspects of the framework are:


She makes it clear from the get-go that focus should always come first before you move into what format you’ll present it in.


Melanie is not about wasting your time because she then goes straight into showing how you can use The 10 Focuses and The 10 Formats.


The 10 Focuses and The 10 Formats


  1. People
  2. Basics
  3. Details
  4. History
  5. Process
  6. Curation
  7. Data
  8. Product
  9. Example
  10. Opinion


  1. Writing
  2. Infographic
  3. Audio
  4. Video
  5. Live Video
  6. Image Gallery
  7. Timeline
  8. Quiz
  9. Tool
  10. Map

The focuses and the formats are what make up most of the contents of The Content Fuel Framework starting at page 25 and ending at page 161. There are a total of 185 pages. That only leaves room for 48 pages to teach the reader about the framework itself. However, there were many creative suggestions about how you can go about using a combination of these focuses and formats yet most of them are examples talking about specific niches. She does her best to diversify.


What could be better about The Content Fuel Framework

In my personal opinion, I would have liked to see more of a focus on exactly how to use the framework by including visuals of using the framework’s rubric. If you’re more of a visual person, this type of format might work out best for you as it would have for me.


I also remember Melanie mentioning about using her framework in a workshop of her own. I’m guessing this whole book is based on that very workshop and it kinda feels like that when you’re reading, almost like a guidebook. So it would have been more effective to have written the book with more personal stories and examples of how she came up with the framework and how we can use it to our full capabilities.


What was good about The Content Fuel Framework

Each chapter is clearly set out in the same format which makes it extremely easy to read and navigate and even come back to at a later date. There are also sets of questions to ask yourself at the end of each chapter. These sample questions, I felt, were very useful when considering how to create a new or refitted piece of content.


There are also suggested headlines in each chapter. That was a useful addition to the book.


Another thing I absolutely loved was Melanie’s sense of humor which made the book more interesting to read. She includes footnotes which tended to be both informative and funny at times.


Is This Book for you?

I’d skip on it if you never plan on making content professionally. If you already are creating content, this book could be useful to you. If you plan on creating content, and you never have before it will 100% be useful. I hope this short reflection has helped you decide.

Buy The Content Fuel Framework by Melanie Deziel here.


Related Reading:

3 Marketing Points From The Tipping Point

Blogger’s Content Guide: Write With Heart

The Impact Equation – What You Need to Stand Out


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