

Profitable Online Course – Don’t Sleep On It Book Review

14 December 2018


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profitable online course don't sleep on it

Turn your passion and expertise into a profitable online course.

Have you ever wanted to run your own online business? Have you thought that maybe an online course would be the best and possibly the most influential way to start your online business? Well, Kavit Haria’s book, Don’t Sleep On It shows you the fundamentals for building your own online course.


Before I even get into the review I want to tell you personally how much Kavit has impacted me through his own social media channels. I have been following Kavit for a long while on Instagram. His content is absolutely worth viewing. It’s also extremely inspiring and applicable. He has been able to build up my trust in him as a leader through his sheer honesty and authenticity. Follow his account here.

Simplicity is Complex – The Three Parts to Building Your Online Course


Your worth as a person transcends the value you create, but your work is the most visible expression of your priorities. -Todd Henry Click To Tweet


Part 1: Business Fundamentals

Kavit starts out by showing you why the world needs you. He states that the world is full of experts and that no matter what you think, you do have an expertise in something. You have to know where to look then you can build an online course on top of your expertise.


I’ll let you know up front that this book is not the type of book which helps you find your expertise. That is something you must search for individually. However, this book may just give you some inspiration to find what your expertise is if you don’t know it.


Most importantly Kavit tells us the honest truth that you’d be selfish if you hold your expertise back from solving some of the world’s biggest problems. By leveraging the power of the internet and the strength of your expertise you can change the world.


Define Your Customer

Before even making your online course you should know who you will be selling it to. The book helps you to make what is called a customer avatar. It’s actually very detailed which will help you to create a long-lasting and valuable course for your customers.


Part 2: Leveraging Your Expertise

This part of the book is the core of learning how to build your course which consists of everything from starting your brand and strategy to deciding what will be in your modules. The book goes through several tips, all of which are useful. Afterall Don’t Sleep On It is only 147 pages long. It’s seriously one of the shortest yet most useful books in this industry.


On a side note: Don’t expect to get all the answers from this book. Yes, it is packed full of useful fundamental tips but just like anything else in life, the only way you can succeed is by taking action. Don’t Sleep On It is a nice place to start.


Part 3: Marketing Your Online Course

Once you get everything set up for your online course you can then start marketing it. Building your course is less than half the work you will be putting into your online business. When it comes to marketing it you should be in for the long haul. You also should be completely aware of what customers are saying about your course at this stage. Once you receive consistent feedback about aspects which should be improved, changed or added upon, then you can go about making those changes.


I love this section of the book (although honestly, I need to focus and improve on the first two aspects more) as it talks about how you can connect with your customers on an emotional level through social media platforms and content marketing. Kavit emphasizes the point that social media should be used to build relationships with your customers. Those who end up trusting you will most likely go down your sales funnel, but not always. The point is to make sure you are being as authentic and helpful as you possibly can.


What you don’t want to be doing when you’re promoting your online course on social media is to just promote. If you’re just shouting out without connecting first with your customer and showing them that you care they will just run away. You need to build strong relationships before anyone will be willing to buy from you.


Here are my highly recommended related books:

Cadence: A Tale of Fast Business Growth (This will help with sales)

Building a StoryBrand (This will help you with storytelling, building your website and connecting with your customer)

The Storyteller’s Secret (This will help you with storytelling)

The Impact Equation (This will help you with any kind of content creation)


Are you interested in building your own online course now?

I put Don’t Sleep On It on my list of favorite books I read in 2018. If you’re involved or want to get involved in making an online business this book has my rating of approval. You’ll get a lot of useful gems from it no doubt. If you are one of those people interested in building your own online course then please buy this book here.


Thanks for reading and see you in the next post.

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One comment

  1. Johnny Yim

    Sounds like a good book. Did this help you with your course that you just made?

    10 May, 2020 at 10:19 pm