Alchemy For Life by Mark Bradford – Book Review
7 November 2019
Book Category: Self-Help
Alchemy For Life is a straightforward self-help book that will actually help.
When Mark contacted me about reading and reviewing his book Alchemy For Life, I was pleasantly excited about it. His book title and cover were, of course, the first things liked about his book. The second best thing I liked was all the analogies and metaphors in the core of the book. Mark’s writing ability is actually quite unique as well. I don’t know whether it’s because he’s practiced writing a lot but the flow is smooth and humorous. And the last thing I liked was the practicalness of all the takeaways.
Who is Alchemy For Life for?
In my opinion, it’s for anyone who hasn’t found balance in their life. It’s natural for everyone to feel stress whether you stay at home and take care of all your kids, work a full-time job, or run your own business. This book gives you some tools Mark has developed over the decades to help you find your own balance of near-perfect productivity at home and at work.
An Example and Favorite Quotes
-One of my favorite examples from the book is about the time, energy, and resources you use every day. Imagine that you have a big flask you carry around with you all day. Your flask is filled with your time, energy, and resources. For each and every task or thought you have each day you poor some of your big flask’s liquid into smaller flasks that represent all the different tasks and thoughts you have throughout the day. Once your flask is empty you’ll have to be done for the day.
Some tasks and thoughts take up more time, energy, and resources which makes it even more important for you to divide your time wisely. It’s why most professionals take care of their biggest tasks at the beginning of the day when they’re the freshest.
At night, your big flask will refill while you’re sleeping. Some days you may have more time, energy, and resources to use depending on how well you slept the previous night. This is Alchemy For Life at work.
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Are you aware of where you spend your time, energy, and resources every day? —- Whether you realize it or not you have only a finite amount of all three of these very important things that make up your life. Every day you take your flask full of all three of these and pour some of the time, energy, and resources into all the other smaller flasks of your life such as your job, family, hobbies, exercise, business and so on. —- I love the metaphor @authormarkbradford uses for the energy of your life and I’m looking forward to digging out the rest of the takeaways and experiences Mark has to offer. So far the book is great! —- Follow @bookmattic for more book hacking tips. —- #businessbooks #selfdevelopment #AlchemyforLife #bookstagram #bookstagramindonesia #entrepreneurbooks #nonfictionbooks #nonfiction #nonfictionbook #lifelonglearning #lifelonglearners #alchemy #markbradford #personaldevelopmentbooks #bookrecommendation #goodreads #amreading #productivity #lifehacks #booknotes
-Your path to your goal will need some course corrections along the way. A little to the left, a little to the right.
-All the planning in the world is not going to get you to where you want to be if your job is draining the life out of you.
-Any strength stretched too far becomes a weakness.
Other Thoughts About Alchemy For Life
Mark provided a lot of information and exercises in Alchemy For Life. All the exercises are practical. He wrote all the words, sentences, paragraphs and chapters carefully so that you can question your own life, relationships, and job. His advice is very practical unlike many other self-help books out there. The only reason I wouldn’t recommend this book is if you’ve already found balance in your life. But my guess is that you’re still working on that.
With Mark’s many years of practical experience building his own dating site, writing several books about great helpful topics, and running a successful podcast, I trust that his advice will do you some good.
Buy his book here.
Recommended Reading
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Ikigai: The Japanese Way to Finding Your Purpose For Living by Ken Mogi
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One comment
The cover looks amazing and the content soubds amazing. I am going to be looking at this book as well.
9 May, 2020 at 9:46 pm