Do you think building connections with people can make or break you?

Have you ever thought that a person you met five years ago would give you an opportunity of a lifetime? Did you ever believe that the effort you took while building connections with people would ever pay off? I’m here to show you how much one simple interaction with someone can change your life forever and how reading the following three books can help you understand the importance of building connections. Read on or watch the video I uploaded on YouTube last week to find out.

How Important is Building Connections With People?

Just last week I was invited to show up on a local TV show called City Life on SBO TV in Surabaya. In fact, I was invited on the day of the live show airing. This came as a complete surprise since I had never been on a TV show before but it’s something I had been wanting to do. I finally got my chance! And I believe I will have many more. That’s my hope at least.

building connections SBO TV

building connections SBO TV

building connections SBO TV

You might be wondering how I got the chance to show up on the biggest local TV show in Surabaya. It was because of one of my connections I made five years ago through a mutual friend. And one that I haven’t even seen much at all in the last few years. Her name is Chintya.  Even though we haven’t been that close of friends we were close enough for her to invite me as she’s friends with the producer of the station.


Then there’s the fact that she knows I’ve been involved in several public speaking events in Indonesia which probably helped her to see that I was the best choice to show up on this show. Building connections and keeping them is such an important ‘skill’ you should have to get amazing opportunities such as the one I got on SBO TV.

In The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell (one of the books I will write more about below), the author points out that usually, the best opportunities come from your acquaintances or friends of friends. Just like in my example above. So always keep in mind that you never know who you’re going to meet and how they might help you in the future.


The 3 Helpful Books Which Will Help You in Building Connections

The Tipping Point

marketing points from the tipping point book hanging over the ocean

“Your friends, after all, occupy the same world that you do. They might work with you, or live near you, and go to the same churches, or parties. How much, then, would they know that you don’t know?”

Acquaintances are more likely to know something you don’t. They represent social power — and the more acquaintances you have, the more powerful you are.


One of the best stories and examples of building connections is in The Tipping Point. It’s the story of Paul Revere. It describes when he set out on his ‘midnight ride’ after receiving a warning that the British were coming. Because of Revere’s connections and well-respected stature he was able to easily convince the people he didn’t even know that well. He had enough knowledge of the right people who had connections with the militia. Then he kept on going right along to the next town to warn the right people that ‘The British are coming!’


I highly recommend reading this book so you can learn more about this story as well as all the others which are packed in that useful book. Read my full review here.


Habis Nikah, Ngapain? – After Married, What Next?

habis nikah ngapain book cover

Daniel Arseneault, the author of this book, is my good friend. He is one of the best connections I’ve ever built up who has connected me with so many people and many great nights out. He also wrote this fantastic book about building and keeping connections, although specifically about spouses, it can be applied to any connection you build now or in the future.


One thing I really love about his book is that he put his heart, soul, personal experiences as well as a lot of research and time into it. It is a book well worth reading. so please go check his website out and be ready to order it when it’s released.


The Magic of Tiny Business

tiny business book cover

And for my last book recommendation on building connections is The Magic of Tiny Business by Sharon Rowe. This was a surprising little book which really helped me to realize the power of building connections. Rowe has been in the entrepreneur world since the 1980’s and built her tiny business from scratch. Her business started from a problem she hated. Plastic bags. So she came up with her own unique reusable bag which kind of looks like a net.


She built her business slowly but surely over the last 20+ years making millions in the process. A common theme throughout her book is that you don’t need to work 60-100 hours a week to be successful, and success doesn’t need to happen all at once. It took her many years as well as connections to get to the millions of dollars.


Building connections was also a major theme. Rowe tells you about how important this is when going to any type of business cocktail party. She highly recommends getting a business card from anyone you come in contact with. You never know when you might need the services of that person. And who knows, they might contact you as well. Try your best to scout the crowd for potential future collaborations but don’t discount those who are not connected in the same field as you.


Sometimes you can learn the most from people who are not already connected to your own network. Click To Tweet


There are many more takeaways from The Magic of Tiny Business. Rowe really opens up her heart and gives you the best of her Tiny Business secrets. Read my full review here.


Building Connections Can Definitely Make or Break You

I hope you’ve found value in this post. Now it’s time for you to collect those business cards, save them in a safe place, then do it again. Build your connections so you can tap into them at a later date.


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