The Covid 19 quarantine has got us all at home with nothing to do! How are you going to stay sane and be productive?
The Covid 19 quarantine has got many people stuck at home. You may be one of them. I want to take this time to be honest with you as well as helpful. There is a way you can stay sane and be productive during this difficult time while still being safe.
What do you normally do when you’re at home for days and weeks at a time? The typical things that come to my mind are watching Netflix, playing games, talking on the phone, browsing your Facebook or Instagram feed, watching (funny) YouTube videos nonstop and the list goes on.
But what if there were something more productive you could do?
What if you could improve a skill you’ve been meaning to improve, or start a new hobby? How about taking more time with your family or reflecting on your life so far through journaling?
You can definitely do all of these and more. The key here is to stay productive and not just let your time slip away from you. Now is the time to really take advantage of your ‘free time’ and improve yourself. Therefore I have created a simple list of 5 ways you can start focusing more so you can stay sane and be more productive.
5 Ways to Stay Sane and be Productive
It is now the time to really dig into personal development. You’ve got a lot more time on your hands, but only temporarily. This quarantine isn’t going to last forever. The list below will help you to stay sane and be productive.
1. Read More Nonfiction Books
One of the foundations of your learning comes from reading a lot of nonfiction books. If you’re able to read 1-2 hours a day during this quarantine and actually apply that knowledge into what you’re working on then you’ll be that much better off than you were before the virus outbreak when you may not have been reading as much.
This is a great time to get some deep study in. You can learn a whole lot of things not just to help you progress in your career or side-hustle but also to help keep yourself sane and be productive.
Since you can’t go to the bookstore right now I recommend buying your books online. You can get three different formats:
- Physical book
- E-book
- Audiobook
As an avid reader, I highly recommend getting a physical book so you can take notes with your highlighter and pen. This is the best way to retain what you read. Plus you can keep all your notes readily available to refer to at any time.
There’s no better time to start reading nonfiction books than now.
Related Post:10 Reasons You Should Read More This Year
2. Work on a Project
It’s a great time to start working more on projects around your house or on your laptop. If you love making electronic music or like to write then start now.
-You can start making more music with a set plan to publish them or just share them for fun. Just give it a try because you never know what will come of it until you try.
-You can start writing that book you’ve always wanted to write. All you have to do is get started with your first idea. But the key here is to continue after you started.
If you want a solid framework for creating habits then I recommend reading Atomic Habits by James Clear.
Then what do I do after I get started on this project you may ask? Continue to build up your skills. If you love it, you’re good at it, it makes a lot of money and it has a good market attached to it then why not go for it.
One more piece of advice, try finding some projects you can do online as most of what we do in the future will be transitioning to more online formats.
3. Create or Become Part of an Online Community
If you know me from Instagram you’ll know there is a huge community of nonfiction book lovers on that platform. If you search for the hashtag #powerofbookscommunity you’ll find some amazing people, including myself, who post about all sorts of nonfiction books from psychology to business.
Check out my page below to join in on the awesome fun of this community.
View this post on Instagram
Also if Instagram isn’t your thing you could always create a WhatsApp group of like-minded people to chat about anything you’re interested in whether it’s books, crafts, or business.
Facebook has tons of options as well.
Since you aren’t able to go outdoors and meet people face-to-face take advantage of the technology available to you. If you want to create a conference call for your book club you can use Skype or Zoom. There are several free options out there for you.
You could even make a paid group! It all depends on what your aims and goals are. What sort of ambition do you have and how can you help others to stay sane and be productive in this time of chaos?
4. Write in a Journal and a Blog
Journaling and blogging are extremely helpful in keeping a sane mind and also have many productivity benefits including:
- Clears your mind
- Expresses your thoughts
- Reaches a new crowd
- Brainstorms new ideas
- Sorts out your thoughts
- Builds SEO skills
- Becomes more articulate
- Gets better at storytelling
- Is more self-aware
- Creates pieces of writing with more than one use
Journaling was a lifesaver for me and blogging was my entry into the business world. If it weren’t for either I wouldn’t be here. So my recommendation, especially during this tough time being stuck at home, I highly recommend starting these healthy habits.
If you decide to blog consider these 5 basic but fundamental tips:
- Pick a niche. (Check out the detailed blog article about how to pick a niche for your blog)
- Read about how to write then apply it with your blog.
- Write about what you love.
- Stay focused.
- Post weekly.
Related Post: Blogger’s Content Guide: Write With Heart
5. Finally, Get Some Exercise, Eat and Sleep Well to Stay Sane and Be Productive
Never neglect your own body because if it fails you can’t even do anything I mentioned above. In order to stay sane and be productive, you need to get your muscles moving. I know this can be difficult if you’re stuck inside your house, but there is a way.
- Run on a treadmill if you have one. If not, you can run in place.
- Do push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups if you have a bar.
- Do jump-rope or jumping-jacks.
- Lift weights
- Practice yoga
- Eat lots of greens
- Drink lots of water
- Balance your meals
- Avoid fatty, greasy and sugary foods
- Stock up on vitamins
- Get 7-8 hours of sleep
- Go to sleep at about the same time every night
- Sleep earlier than you’re used to, around 9-11 pm.
- Wake up at a decent time, around 5-8 am.
- If you end up staying up later one night, for example, 1 am, don’t do it again the next night.
The Conclusion to Stay Sane and Be Productive
The goal here is to keep on a regular schedule so you can stay sane and be productive even though you are constantly at home. There are so many different things you can do so you actually have no excuse for being bored.
If anything, at least try a few of these tips I’ve provided you. You could end up loving them and who knows, you might even make a living out of the new habit you start during the Covid-19 Quarantine.
Please be safe out there, pick up a new book and start reading!
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I have been procrastinating this break. I am away from school, and I just have been watching a lot of Netflix. I am working on building my website, exercising, reading, and meditating. What have you been doing this break? Thank you for this post!
13 April, 2020 at 12:32 am
That’s good to hear you’re getting some productive work done. Hopefully, you can continue to do so. I know it can be tough to work all the time but actually, in all honesty, it’s better to take some time for rest, not just go go go go go. I have been trying to balance my life pretty well between work and time with family. It’s been tough though because family demands a lot of attention. So I’ll continue to do my best. Thanks for stopping by my blog to check out this post.
20 April, 2020 at 7:07 pm